Health Facts with Normanie Ricks
Why do BLACK WOMEN get fibroids?
EPISODE 2 • SEASON 1 00:32:22
Black women have been advised to get hysterectomies at alarming rates! This is primarily due to fibroids. Low vitamin D, high body fat and hair relaxers may be the culprits! Tune in as I interview Dr. John Lipman. Dr. John Lipman is the world’s leading uterine fibroid specialist and UFE expert. His exemplary training at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale provided the perfect foundation for his vast experience in Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). He has performed more UFE procedures than any other physician, and patients from around the globe have sought his expertise.
All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Normanie Ricks, for Health Facts with Normanie Ricks, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.