Everyday Leadership

Unlocking The Secrets To Intentional Living with Sope Agbelusi
EPISODE 170 • SEASON 00:29:16

In this episode, Sope Agbelusi delves into intentional living, emphasising that his current lifestyle results from conscious choices aligned with his core values, goals, and aspirations rather than mere luck. 

He introduces the Decide Framework, a tool for intentional decision-making that involves defining, evaluating, considering, implementing, dedicating, and evaluating again. 

Sope shares a client's story of successfully transitioning from the tech industry to starting a non-profit, showcasing the power of overcoming fears and exploring long-held dreams.

Sope also reflects on his personal journey, from his university experience and mindset of success beyond exam results to a 20-year-old diary entry outlining his aspirations for an international, impactful career. He highlights the importance of unlearning behaviours, fears, and mindsets that no longer serve you, unlocking your gifts and talents, and unleashing your potential. 

Sope stresses the significance of patience and a growth mindset during intentional living. He also discusses the role of intentional living in his marriage, sharing how he and his wife set shared goals and values, have tough conversations when needed, and support each other's dreams and aspirations.


  • What is Intentional Living? 

  • Living from the inside out and outside in

  • The D.E.C.I.D.E Framework

  • The Process of Intentional Living 

  • Unlearning behaviours, fears, and mindsets that no longer serve you

  • Unlocking gifts and talents that are already inside you

  • Unleashing your potential into your life

  • Intentional Living in Marriage 

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All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Sope Agbelusi, for Everyday Leadership, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.