You, Me and Jesus

Titles Don't Mean Perfection
EPISODE 91 • SEASON 3 00:17:17
It's so easy to assume that because someone has a title that that means that they are perfect. The truth is that person has been placed in a leadership position but is still living a human experience here on earth just like the rest of us. 

Today we are talking about how to see the leaders in your life and how to help others to see you as well. 

If you felt empowered by this episode, take a screenshot for your stories and tag Keenya on Instagram @keenyakelly. 

I would be honored to hear your takeaways and re-post your share!

Important Links from the show

Understanding your spiritual gifts is definitely one of the foundational things that every single Christian needs to know. 

If you'd like a quick and free spiritual quiz assessment to understand why and how God gifted you what you have in life click here!

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Are you building a business and you want to know what God is saying to you about your business? 

Looking for strategy on what to do next with your business or market your business in a way that’s Christ focused? 

Click the following link to book a creative consulting session to get a strategy together for your business that is faith focused:

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Keenya Kelly, for You, Me and Jesus, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.