A3Day Sister Show

The Wonderful World of K-pop After Dark
EPISODE 2 • SEASON 1 00:12:00

What’s up, everybody! It’s your favorite Ajummah, Young Ajummah and I am your guest host for this episode of A3Day Sister Show.

Now if you don’t know who I am…where have you been? Lolz. I am a Korean Entertainment Content Creator. Writer, Youtuber, Podcaster, Interviewer. I’ve pretty much done it all. That means I’ve been exposed to different types of Korean music and I gotta say, no disrespect to k-pop, Korean RnB is where I belong. There is something so exciting yet soothing about familiar chords coming from new to me artists so I thought, it would be a great idea to introduce you to some artists that dominate the genre.

I won’t be able to talk about everyone, I don’t have that type of time, but hopefully, you’ll find an artist you’ll love. Now I’m going to be referring to this as the after-dark genre and if you’re wondering why I‘ll tell you. Honestly, it just has a nice ring to it.

We’ll start with something familiar to those who are fans of 2nd gen k-pop. I’m talking BigBang, more specifically, GD & Top with their song “Baby Goodnight.” Let me set the stage for you. GD & Top had a collaboration album back in 2010 (dang that’s a long time ago) and released their first m/v for their song "High High." But we aren’t here for that song. "Baby Goodnight" was the last m/v they made for their first album and oooh baby. It showcases GD & Top with their significant others in what I guess is a hotel suite. The music was very different to what I was used to coming from k-pop artists back then and the lyrics were…honestly tame but suggestive. The video ends with both GD & TOP leaving their women to come sit on the couch and sleep or something, I don’t know.

Look, it’s k-pop and it was back in 2010. Nothing was going to happen. But it piqued my interest in this genre of music.

Now if you‘re interested in something more…mature. Allow me to possibly introduce you to one of my favorite artists, Elo. He’s currently under the AOMG label and, the man is sex on water. There’s really no other way to put it. I’m not talking visually because I firmly believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder but when he gets in his mood…he’s singing someone’s panties off.

For example, he featured on Jay Park’s 2016 song Turn Off Your Phone remix. Now to be fair, Jay Park also came with some fire, but the moment Elo showed up…it was over. How do you get outsung on your own song? Lolz now that’s just my opinion but listen, trust me. There’s a reason the comments to that video are 95% about Elo singing “baby come to daddy.” I thought this might have been a fluke, but I’ve dived deep into his discography most notably, his collaboration with rapper Penomeco. There’s a reason why there was only one music video. Titles like "Deep" and "Body" might be an indication if you’re picking up what I’m putting down.

Now it’s not just the men that have been getting down in this after-dark section of the world. Female artists like Hoody (who has a collaboration with Elo called friends with benefits, so you already KNOW what that means), Miso, and SAAY have been putting on their high heels or Timbs, whatever they prefer, and have been STOMPING all over the scene.

I want to focus on independent artist Alisha. Oh, her name doesn’t sound familiar? Understandable. I didn’t know of her, so I did some research for all of us. Alisha (???) is an independent American-South Korean rapper, singer-songwriter, and producer. She debuted on November 13, 2017, with the digital single, "Love Me." She has a song called "Drunk Texting" that… well actually it's pretty self-explanatory. She’s drunk and she’s texting someone of the opposite sex. You can imagine how that goes. All of her music is on Spotify, so I strongly urge you to check it out.

Another female artist that is holding her own is Bibi. She was a hot topic ever since she released Benzino in 2020 so I’m looking forward to hearing what she has for 2021. One...

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Ashley, for A3Day Sister Show, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.