A Monday Moment with Dr. Mal

The Plant-Based Shift: Why It’s Time to Rethink Your Diet
EPISODE 20 • SEASON 00:28:56

Hey, Dr. Mal here! Happy Veganuary!

In this episode of A Monday Moment with Dr. Mal, I’m diving into the life-changing benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. From boosting physical health and helping the environment, to improving mental well-being, I’ll explore how small, consistent shifts in your daily routine can make a big impact. I’ll share my favorite practical tips—like stocking up on nutritious, budget-friendly staples—so you can embrace progress over perfection. And remember, self-love is key every step of the way!

00:00 Celebrating a Year of Growth and Gratitude

00:25 Gratitude

04:15 Did You Know?

08:48 Topic of the Week

18:26 Call To Action

22:48 Quotes and Affirmations

23:57 Outro

 #PlantBased #HealthyEating #SustainableLiving #SelfLove #AMondayMoment #DrMal #whenmallorylives #AMondayMomentwithDrMal #ALIVEPodcastNetwork

Show Songs: Kaleidoscope by HME Productions, Late Night by NyneMindsProductions and Lassitude by Justnormal

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All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Dr. Mallory D. McCoy, for A Monday Moment with Dr. Mal, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.