Impostrix Podcast

50. The Hardship and Triumph of Self-Advocacy When Experiencing Bullying at Work
EPISODE 50 • SEASON 3 00:51:31
Advocating for yourself when experiencing harm in the workplace can be hard and confusing, but it can also open the door to something so much better. In this episode, Whitney sits down with Noris Chavarria, a queer, gay, Latino, consultant and coach to discuss Noris's experience with self-advocacy.
In this powerful episode, Noris shares his experience feeling subject to harassment based on his sexual orientation and documented new diagnosis of ADHD. Facing an environment fraught with bullying, and where is request for reasonable accommodations were denied, Noris was compelled to take legal action and eventually leave his job.
Noris opens up about the emotional toll of dealing with his workplace, the barriers he faced in seeking legal remedies, and the journey towards his newfound mission: empowering others who face similar struggles. He discusses the complexities of navigating employment law, even in California, and the importance of support programs for those feeling marginalized and unheard.
Listeners will gain invaluable insights into Noris's path to advocacy and entrepreneurship through his consulting and coaching business, Noris Knows, which serves LGBTQ+ individuals and people of color. Whitney and Noris also explore the broader implications of systemic workplace issues on mental and physical health and the importance of recognizing personal autonomy.
This episode is part of our anti-discrimination mini-series and shines a light on the lack of legal protections in workplace bullying cases and the various barriers people experience when attempting to find support and legal protection. Although what Noris experienced may not amount to legal harassment or discrimination (we don't know), his experiences led to workplace trauma that had very real impact on his health, mental health, and his capacity to work in the environment. Part of the trouble is meeting a legal standard of proof required to show harassment or discrimination occurred. For this reason, when possible it can be helpful to speak to advocates and attorneys to learn about how we can best support ourselves, and to get help navigating these systems. Make sure to tune in to episodes 49 and 51 to learn more about how advocates and attorneys can help, and what to do to prepare for this type of experience.
Don't miss this episode of the "Impostrix Podcast," available now on the Alive podcast network app.
Connect with Noris on IG @queercompass and @SocialArtivista, and at
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Thanks Chris @DigitalREM for editing this episode!
All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Whitney Knox Lee, for Impostrix Podcast, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.