The Black Expat Experience Podcast

The Black Expat Experience Season 1 Recap: lessons learned
EPISODE 26 • SEASON 1 00:25:24

Season one of Black and Abroad was filled with so many revelations and open doors. This series is a long-awaited passion project, and it will unlock so many new opportunities for so many people.   

I hope that you have had an opportunity to taken an opportunity to view the episodes, leave your  constructive feedback, and share in your respective communities. I hope that you enjoy listening to the lived experiences of fellow Black expats thriving around the globe.

Thank you for taking some time to listen to this episode and for leaving  your constructive feedback.

The success of our show and the promotion of mental health in underrepresented and global communities depends on your support. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel, @aspire_counselingwell, and if you are interested in receiving more relevant mental health information, visit and subscribe to our newsletter to join our community. You can also follow us on Instagram at our new account, @blackexpatexperience and on Twitter at @blackexpatlives.

Be well and remember to prioritize your mental health today!

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Kindall C. Tyson, M.Ed., LPC-S, NCC, for The Black Expat Experience Podcast, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.