Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA)

Shifting Mindset: The Myth of Work/Life Balance
EPISODE 1 • SEASON 6 00:27:33

Welcome to Season 6 of the Not Your Mama's Autism Podcast, now brought to you in both audio and video form. In addition to listening to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform, now you can view new episodes on You Tube.

After a long hiatus, we start our new season talking through our parenting journey through various seasons that includes/included: stay at home parenthood, demanding careers and various therapy schedules associated with our family's autism journey.

One day at a time.

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Lola Dada-Olley, for Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA), and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.