Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA)

Pulling Back the Layers with J-Rock: British-Ghanaian- American Musician and Autism Advocate
EPISODE 9 • SEASON 4 00:40:14

JP "J-Rock" Horsley is a black, autistic musician who currently lives in the UK. He is also a contributor to the book, Educational Psychology Perspectives on Supporting Young Autistic People: Insight from Experience, Practice and Research, which was published in April 2022.

We had a rich discussion about his music, how his neurodivergence contributes to his art, the stigma associated with receiving his later in life autism diagnosis, how he raises his sons and so much more. For more information about J-Rock, check out this article and/or follow him on Instagram.

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Lola Dada-Olley, for Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA), and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.