Everyday Leadership

Opportunities Born from Sacrifice: A Journey with Mahari Hay
EPISODE 158 • SEASON 01:04:12

Guest: Mahari Hay - Director | Lending, Trade & Working Capital at Lloyds Bank

In this episode, Sope Agbelusi interviews Mahari Hay, a director at Lloyd's, about his journey and the impact he has on others. Mahari shares his background growing up in Jamaica and his childhood aspirations.

He discusses the importance of role models and the power of communication and authenticity. Mahari also talks about his transition from Jamaica to the UK and his decision to pursue a career in banking. He shares his experiences with setbacks and rejections and how he maintains a positive mindset. 

Mahari emphasizes the difference between influence and title and the lessons he learned from his mother. He also discusses the importance of partnerships and the recent achievements and future goals he has. 

In this conversation, Mahari Hay shares insights on prioritizing and managing time, building relationships and networking, crafting clear messaging, dealing with disappointment and finding peace, defining leadership, and asking for support and collaboration.


  • The power of communication and authenticity can have a significant impact on others.

  • Setbacks and rejections can be opportunities for growth and learning.

  • Influence is more important than title, as it is the ability to connect with and inspire others.

  • Kindness and empathy can make a difference in people's lives.

  • Partnerships and support from loved ones are crucial in navigating through life's challenges.

  • Managing excellence requires prioritization, focus, and a commitment to delivering quality work. Prioritize your time and focus on what is most important to you, such as God and family, to maintain peace and energy.

  • When networking or reaching out to mentors, be authentic and engage, excite, and execute in your interactions.

  • Reflect on your experiences and interactions to clarify your messaging and how you engage with others.

  • Find contentment and trust in God when faced with disappointment or unmet expectations.

  • Leadership is about resonating with others, showing up for them, and influencing them to think differently.

  • Don't assume someone has it all figured out; reach out and build relationships to collaborate and support each other.

Connect with Mahari Hay on Instagram, LinkedIn, or his website to engage, collaborate, and learn from his experiences.

Connect with Mahari Hay

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All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Sope Agbelusi, for Everyday Leadership, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.