The Swirl Suite

Liquid Intrusion Brewing Company
EPISODE 310 • SEASON 00:55:31
Andrew and Jasmine are co-owners and co-founders of Liquid Intrusion Brewing Company. We are a fast-growing Husband and Wife operation and Prince George’s County’s First Black-Owned Brewery. Craft beer ownership by African Americans only accounts for less than 1% across the country, only about 120 breweries. For other African Americans to understand what it means to be Black in craft beer, we must also take that time to educate and discuss its origins and to break the stigma of the negativity and poor quality of what is marketed towards us. Jasmine is also fortunate to be 1 of 12 African American women nationwide to own a brewery. We want to do our part in one of the most affluent and predominantly African American counties to help move the needle for a more diverse representation in the craft beer sector across the country and the world. With this mindset, no matter your background, MAY THE LIQUID ALWAYS PREVAIL!


Sarita @VineMeUp
Tanisha @GirlMeetsGlass
Leslie @Vino301
Glynis @Vino_Noire

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of SwirlSuite, for The Swirl Suite, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.