Down For Disruption

EPISODE 12 • SEASON 2 00:06:03
Hey, ya'll!

I won't repeat here what's in the recording. So, I'll keep it brief. As I've been saying all week, A LOT of back to back medical crisis have officially taken it's toll and I. am. not. well. So, I'm taking a much needed break from ALL business and creative endeavors for the next 6-8 weeks (roughly) to self-repair. Um, what am I always preaching???

Love ya'll, and I'll "see" everybody in early November. Thanks again for rockin' with me and ya'lls continued support. ***IF you pray to Christ Jesus or Jehovah God, our Abba Father**, please keep me in ya'lls prayers.

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God bless! Muah! :)

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of AJ Write Mental, for Down For Disruption, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.