Why I Left

From Academia To Advocacy - Sandra Hunter
EPISODE 66 • SEASON 3 00:50:34

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In a riveting episode of Why I Left, Sandra Hunter reveals why she abandoned her academic career to combat systemic bias and support women of color. Founding the Stealth Auntie Network and Wild Women Leaders of Color, she's transforming the landscape for mentorship and career progression. Delve into Sandra's personal evolution during the pandemic, her fight against discrimination, and her mission to uplift women through ancestral strength and resilience. 

Discover the profound effects of sponsorship, the urgency of aligning work with personal values, and the success stories embodying her program's impact—all in this unmissable dialogue with host, Brian Aquart. Tune in to be inspired by Sandra's transition from academia to advocacy and learn about the power of community in driving change. 


  • Mentorship and sponsorship are crucial for the career advancement of women of color. 
  • Creating inclusive and equitable environments requires listening to marginalized individuals and implementing policy changes. 
  • Supporting women in their personal and professional growth can lead to tangible results and increased job satisfaction. 
  • The job landscape for upcoming generations is shifting towards purpose-driven work and a focus on values and impact. 

Stay connected with Sandra
Wild Women Leaders of Color: www.wildwomenleadersofcolor.com
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandrahunter/

Brian is celebrating his 40th year of life by running 40 races!  
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Connect with Brian: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianaquart/   
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All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Brian Aquart, for Why I Left, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.