The Black Expat Experience Podcast

Episode 53: Letting go to acquire peace, purpose, and healing with Christelle Pellecuer
EPISODE 53 • SEASON 5 01:13:59

Christelle Pellecuer is a certified coach empowering black adoptees to navigate their adoption story and identity, fostering self-awareness, personal growth, and success. With a background in diverse sectors such as higher education, beauty and fashion, arts and culture, and charity, Christelle brings a unique perspective to her coaching practice. As the host of the Black Adoptees Identities podcast, Christelle is dedicated to amplifying the voices and experiences of adult adoptees. Christelle is also a multidisciplinary creative, in areas of fashion, film and writing exploring issues around culture, heritage and identity. If you want follow Christelle's journey and work, follow her here, @mschristellerosette and @blackadopteesidentities. She'll be running a retreat black woman adoptees in Portugal in May and Morocco in June this year. -- Thank you for taking some time to listen to this episode and for leaving your constructive feedback. The success of our show and the promotion of mental health in underrepresented and global communities depends on your support. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel, @aspire_counselingwell, and if you are interested in receiving more relevant mental health information, visit and subscribe to our newsletter to join our community. You can also follow us on Instagram at our new account, @blackexpatexperience and on Twitter at @blackexpatlives, and lastly, the show is now available on the following podcast platforms: Apple, Google, Spotify, and Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio. Please subscribe, like, share, and rate the show! Be well and remember to prioritize your mental health today!

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Kindall C. Tyson, M.Ed., LPC-S, NCC, for The Black Expat Experience Podcast, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.