Black Office Unlocked

EP24: Risk & Resilience - Keys to a Dynamic Civil Servant Career
EPISODE 9 • SEASON 2 00:20:59

In the ever-evolving landscape of federal employment, managing risk is a critical skill, particularly for Black and minority civil servants. Successfully navigating and embracing calculated risks can lead to better opportunities, personal growth, and increased impact in one's career. As black and non-majority civil servants – we tend to generally be risk-averse.  Much of this may just be cultural and can just come from self-preservation.  Which is understandable – because at the end of the day, we just trying to live right? But It’s my take that we are so powerful as a people that we can do more than just enough to survive – but we can shift our mindset so that we can not just survive but thrive – so that we can ‘arrive’.  In today’s discussion – we are going to discuss few concepts around managing ‘Risk’ that will empower you and reveal the person you are – and that is ‘invincible’.     This discussion aims to provide practical strategies, cultural insights, and a mindset shift necessary to manage risks effectively and become the best version of oneself.

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Michael L. Gibbons, MBA, for Black Office Unlocked, and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.