Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA)

Behind the Mask
EPISODE 10 • SEASON 2 00:42:08

In our final episode of the season, we round out our segment on women on the spectrum through the illustrative eyes of Marcelle Ciampi, autistic writer, author, neurodiversity advocate and diversity and inclusion leader.  She talks about masking, the behaviors used to conceal true behavior in order to conform to what is considered acceptable by the greater society.  She also details her perspective on getting a later in life autism diagnosis,  the hurdles she jumped to obtain it in the first place and what she thinks a normal brain likely looks like.

We appreciate her willingness to share and the many takeaways she provided through her vulnerability. For more information on Marcelle's writing,  check out the link to Everyday Asperger's.   For more information on the company mentioned in the episode, check out  Ultranauts, Inc.

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All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Lola Dada-Olley, for Not Your Mama's Autism (NYMA), and published with permission by ALIVE Podcast Network.